Category: Software Development

Category: Software Development

8 Apr


Many people believe that PHP is dying and will eventually be replaced by something else like Python. But do you know from 2 decades, we are using PHP in programming.…

5 Jan


Throughout the time, Execution of web and app development are changing in terms of tools and technologies. It means these changes are made for improvements in quality, productivity, user experience,…

20 Nov


Have an Excellent product idea? What’s more, can hardly wait to transform into a reality? We know, it isn’t easy to hire someone for your dream software project. The first…

6 Nov


Outsourcing is a business practice for using external resources, handling operations, and performing tasks from the outside of the organization. Generally, outsourcing means that you hire a company to manage…

21 Oct


You probably have some kind of idea what a cycle is. In layman’s terms, we can consider a cycle as a set of repetitive processes. Notwithstanding, from a technical perspective,…